Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Christmas is Early

    Christmas already? Hardly. But at Tat Days my last class was called Leezil's Ornament. I do not know who Leezil is. It is a design by Erin Holloway Moseley. I really like taking her classes. She puts out chocolate. Lots of chocolate. And her classes are interesting and fun too. And CHOCOLATE.
    This was the class project, as I said, Leezil's Ornament. Pretty, isn't it. This the the first time I ever laced an ornament but it really wasn't hard at all. I got it fairly even, too. I did the "middle" round 3 times. The thread wasn't right. It felt like a zipper when I pulled it through and I kept finding places where some of the plies were cut. I finally pulled another ball from my drawer and had no further problems.
    I wish the photo was better. I still don't really like cameras in cell phones, but I could not get to my DSLR and it would not work on a scanner, so this what I got. I hung this over my monitor and turned off the screen. The flash caused too much reflection even though I set the sensitivity down. Oh, well. It will do for now.