Monday, January 16, 2017

Bad Round

    The next round is pretty, isn't it? Too bad it's not there any more. I totally read the pattern wrong for that one. I thought it said 6-6. Nope. Four sixes. Three picots. 6-6-6-6. I have to learn to read it!
      Like I said, this is not going to be an easy pattern to figure out. I have already cut it back off. That is the color for most of the rest, though.The black part is about 5"1/2. (140mm). This should end up as a "doily" about 12-13" across. I keep calling it a doily. That is sort of what it is. Kind of...

    Another clue for you. I have to translate it, and that is coming out kind of weird. Bing and Google translators take the best guess, but they are not literate in tatting, so sometimes you get words that make no sense.


  1. No wonder you were distracted into reading the numbers wrong. A shame to have to ditch all that work!

    1. Well, I said I have to try it and see what happens. Now I am thinking that it is bare thread, but not mignonette.

  2. Yes that it true and so many different kinds of way to write down tatting directions too Ben flickers directions are a set back and the book is in English. Sometimes I think when they say "advanced tatting" they mean decoding the directions.

    1. I think you are right. This project is not difficult, from a tatting standpoint. I think the challenge will be deciphering the instructions.

  3. Sometimes you just have to read and re read again, translation into English does not always go to plan,
    I like the two colours together, I am sure you will get it right next time

  4. I Like your "doily". Do they call it a tablecloth?? :)

    1. No, that was that 30 Monster Doily I did. This one will only be 12-13" across.
