Saturday, March 9, 2024

Everybody Into The Kitchen


     I needed a break from tatting so I decided to make these. I got a recipe from the Joy of Cooking cookbook, but I don't really care for it. The dough came out too dry and it did not make the stated quantity. It said 60, I got 38. I do not think I made them too big. About the same size as other recipes for 60. I really think this one should have said 40. They do taste good, though. Now go make some cookies!


  1. They’d have to be very small cookies to get 60. I used a recipe recently that said it made 47. I thought that was a strange number but I did indeed make 47.

  2. Joy of Cooking was a gift from my Grandmother 56 years ago and one of the first cook books I owned. Which recipe is it? Recipes I've used have been fine but this one sure isn't. At least the cookies taste good!

  3. Thank you, Tim. I'll put a note in my book.
