Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

This is fun. Hurricane Matthew came ashore just a little bit ago about a hundred miles from here. Our power has not gone out, just flickered so it restarts the computer. The internet went down for an hour and we have tropical storm conditions outside. I don't think we will get the hurricane winds. Most is about 40-50 mph gusts and rain. A lot of rain. Since midnight probably 8". Maybe more. I don't feel like there is any danger, just mostly inconvenience. I do keep having to check the storm drain to keep it clear. I just grab an umbrella and a rake. I get wet, but not too much.
So what am I doing while the wind blows? Tatting, of course. I don't need power to tat, just a bit of light and a loaded shuttle. So far this morning I have made the butterflies below. In a bit I am going to see if there is a football game on. If not one I want to see, I may go back to tatting.
I have also been working on some of my "project". I think I like making the SCMR's more than the LTR's, so I will probably go that route, but that is not my final goal.


  1. So glad you tried it in 2 colours ! Good company during the storm. Saw the pics you posted ... not a pretty sight and so much work

  2. I like the two coloured version best, it shows the structure off well. Good that the storm wasn't too dire, even if it has left you with clearing up to do.

  3. Nice butterflies! When we moved to our new house I made the rule that there would be no trees taller than the house - suffered too much with fallen behemoths in the past. I suppose you can be grateful that at least the trees didn't fall on your roof!

  4. I like them both this is a very cute design!
