I decided to try making the happy pill as a "continuous" piece instead of 2 pieces joined. Joining in the middle seemed to be a little fiddly (one of my favorite words) more so than I care for. That probably has to do with big fingers and little thread. Also a bad hand. I still drop the shuttle a lot and have a hard time controlling the direction it is pointing.

So anyway, I tatted the first half, then tied off the thread leaving a tiny fake picot. I left the threads a little long, maybe 4 inches, so I could tat over them. I rewound with the second color, green, and started the next ring as 3+3 on a picot 2 ds back from where I tied off. Then I made the second half of a split ring as (vsp 3 vsp 3) cl. I made a normal 3+3/3-3,cl. Next ring has to be where the end of the last round was so I 3+3, joining to the tiny fake picot and covering threads with the second set of 3 ds. I finished the ring with /3-3, cl. Now just finish the round and go on to the next 2 rounds as usual for this pattern.
I got up and went to the next room. Why did I come in here? I start to go back to my tatting and remember -- Get some polyfil. I hate getting old. I do that a lot, too. So now I stuff the pill. Next I make the ring for the bottom, joining to the 5 picots on the previous round.
This time I decided not to make the pill so Goth. I used red lipstick. I am not too good at applique, but it works for me. So, my experiment worked. It made it a bit easier for me to make this. Not quite so "fiddly".