Saturday, November 14, 2020

Round 9 Done

    This type of round can be a bit irritating. It is pretty common so I do know how to deal with it. When the rings point outward, the thread tries to catch on them. I find that I can lay the doily across my hand, then fold it back across itself so it is out of the way. At least it works for me.

    Round 10 will be easier. The rings connect to the round 9 rings. They are smaller so it should not take as long. My neighbor that I am making this four is really impressed with it. With half the rounds done it is right on 12" across. 

    I have been working round 9 while watching college football. My team (WVU) just won. It's a fine day.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Renulek 2020 Round 8 Done

    I am now back from the Tatting Corner Tat Days. I had a great time and met some new friends. It was a 14 hour drive up, stopping at my brother's house overnight after the first 8 hours, then continuing to Indiana the next morning. I got there on Wednesday so I helped with some setup. I got to meet Carolyn Craig. I have some of her books and was pleased to get to meet the author. I wish I had taken them to get autographs, but then, I am not an autograph collector. She is a very nice lady. Her ability to design, especially in 3d, amazes me. It was also Kaye Judt's birthday that weekend and it was nice to be able to tell her happy birthday. No, I won't tell how old.

Now that I am back, after a 2 hour ride to see someone in Ohio, then 12 more hours home, I am working on this doily again. The 2020 Renulek Spring Napkin. Remember, I'm doing it for a friend. I just finished round 8. This round is so simple it is tricky. You chain with one picot in the middle, then the ring has several picots that I tried so hard to forget until I was almost half way around. I kept having to take out a stitch or two because of forgetting its a ring, I need picots. Submitted for your approval: Round 8. Now, who's line was that?