Tuesday, October 8, 2019

More Patterns

    Now that I have almost all the stuff from Tat Days done, I need to work on something else. I have a couple projects that I need to finish. If you look down the side you will see my Artisan badge from the T.A.T. program. I am working on the Master's level, but have not had time to finish it. I think that will be next on my list. I will have to do other little things in between the articles for that, though, because I am not allowed to post program projects online. Sorry, but it keeps the integrity of the program.

    What to do between? Well, I just got this in the mail yesterday evening. I have all the CDs of patterns from all the Tat Days that are available. This one is for the years there was no CD. The guild has finally made it available. It was probably quite a chase to get all the permissions needed. Now I can do some of these in between the T.A.T. program projects. These I can post here.
    OK, back to work (tatting). Oh, by the way, if you want a copy, you can get it here: Order CDs.


  1. My CD arrived the other day! I see hours of tatting fun ahead of me!

  2. The TAT binder was worth slogging through. I still am not drawn to several of the techniques I tatted, but I've used the experience in teaching. Would it be permisable to email progress to someone who has completed the program? If so, I'll be a willing victim, I mean volunteer!

    1. I think you are allowed to discuss it with someone who asks for help if you have already done it, or are working on it. I can do the stuff in it. I just have to get to it. I really don't care for a few of those projects. Mostly, I hate bobbles.

  3. I missed your last three posts and they are great love the items and hope to get back to normal but will see!
