Tuesday, July 23, 2024

One To Go


    One round to go. It has been a long round but I got round 17 done finally. This is the 2020 spring napkin by Renulek I have been making for a friend. I think he may have left town. (Got married and moved to Savannah.) I will hang onto it and if he comes looking, I will let him have it, but first I have one more round to go. If he doesn't come get it, it does look great on my kitchen table, doesnt it?

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Question About Craftree


No tatting to show for a picture today. Just a question. Has Craftree been closed down or something? I try to login and get an error, then go to the dashboard and see nothing since 4/22/24. I tried to do as it asks and file an error report but that just gave me another error. I tried to post and got the error. I have been trying for over a month to get in normally. Does anyone have any information about this? Am I doing something wrong?

Saturday, May 25, 2024



    Sometimes there are patterns that are just fun to do. I have done these several times.

    Here we have Errol (white, snow dragon) courting his girlfriend. What? You didn't know the girl dragons are bigger? You haven't read "Guards! Guards!", have you? It's by my favorite author, Sir Terry Pratchett. There are 41 books in the Discworld series and this is from one of them. They are hilarious.

    The female dragon (forest dragon) is in size 20. The white is some sewing thread I had laying around, probably a size 100 or so. I have seen online that some do not know you can use regular split rings in place of the SSSR's. Your choice. I do the regular split rings.

    The pattern, if you don't know, is Flying Minor Norwegian Dragons, by Anne Bruvold. You can get it here: https://nuperelle.net/drager/monstre/MinidragerEng.pdf. There are also several other places it is available, such as Craftree. The pattern is free. Thank you Anne!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Only 2 Rounds To Go


    Only 2 more rounds to go. This is a pretty good sized doily, but then, I think all of Renulek's Spring Napkins are. That is one of the things I really like about them. I just finished round 16 of 18. The next 2 rounds are way more involved. Round 17 is similar to round 12. Round 18 is the last one and is decorative so as to be a closer. Right now, the doily is at 20.5 inches across. I did iron it so it would lay flat for it's portrait so I measured it. I expect it to be about 23 inches when I get done.

    I think my friend's mom will be pleased.

Friday, May 10, 2024



    Ok. Challenge accepted. Jane Eborall graciously gave us the pattern to her Celtic Ferris Wheel. I had to try making it. Ever the rebel, when I saw required materials said size 20, I had to do it in King Tut thread. It came out ok. Not as precise as hers, but ok. I did try one change. The ring at the top of the spoke. I added picots and joins, thinking that might make them more stable. I am not sure it actually did, but it's done. I see a few that I got a bit too big, though. By the way, mine is 3 inches across. Nice pattern to work out. Thanks Jane.

    This morning I decided to post this, as I had just finished it last night. I took the photo, then checked her blog to get the name right. Great Caesar's ghost. She has a variation in almost the same colors! Is she watching me? Spooky!!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Back To Business


    I finally finished round 15 of the doily. We are finally getting some warmer days and I can sit on my deck, where the light is better, (sun). This is Renulek's 2020 Spring Napkin. It is the one I am "slowly" making for a friend, when I don't get distracted. It is not neat at present because I have not done any blocking or ironing. The lower left looks a little out of kilter but later that will block out.

    I finished this round by getting to the middle of the last chain, then doing a split chain so I could climb out with the chain in round 16. The entire round looks like what you see in the photo, a chain with a (floating?, thrown?) ring. What is the correct term? Anyone?

    Those of you who know me know I prefer Pop-A-Bobbin shuttles. The darker one is rosewood and the lighter one is cedar. I have a couple dozen of these and I do not have all the woods that they are available in. It has been a while since I bought any, though, and I need to see if Nick is still making them. What I would like to do is figure out what woods I do not have and order those to complete the collection.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

New Store In Town

     We had a new Michael's Crafts store open this past Friday. I was the 3rd customer in the door. I went early to see what they have. There were just 2 other people waiting and we chatted until they opened the doors. When I went in, they asked if I was looking for anything  in particular. Of course, I said tatting. They said "What's that." I am sorry, but I have to be an ambassador for tatting everywhere so I pulled out the phone and started showing them tatted items. They were amazed, but unfortunately, the only tatting related items they have is beads. I found a few things  could use. The lady helping me was quite nice and when I got to the checkout, another lady was also very helpful. Well, I cannot let that go so I asked them what colors and made these for them.


    And now you know what I am doing while I am watching The Masters golf tournament.