Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Renulek 2020 Scare

     I am making pretty good progress on the doily for my neighbor. I have just completed round 4. That was a simple round, just a chain, a ring, a chain, a ring, on and on around. I ran out of thread about a third of the way around and joined in with a fresh thread from a ball core that had just about a bobbin-full on it and continued. As I got closer to the end of the round I began to wonder if I would run out. It turned out that I had just enough on the shuttle.

    When I got to the last chain,ring,chain sequence the thread pulled off the shuttle. I was determined to use what I had so I removed the bobbin and pinched the thread in the hole for the pin. I knew I had enough for the chains, but could I make the ring? When I go to the ring, I easily made the first half, but then the thread started to run out. I finished the second side using 2 fingers to hold the ring open and for the last 2 stitches I barely had room to pass the shuttle through. It closed. Now I had enough to make the last chain and get done. The photo shows how much was left. The last chain only took an inch. Whew! Now to hide a couple of tails and wind up a CTM for round 5.


  1. Playing chicken thread! Nicely done. Doily looks nice.

  2. A bit of a scare. You handled it well! Ready for Halloween, huh?

  3. That’s what you call ‘flying by the seat of your pants’, eh?

  4. Hmmm... are you a tiny bit stubborn, or should I say determined? Well done!

  5. Nicely done, Tim. Next time, if there should be one, you'll have to learn to finger-tat. Do you use an 'extender thread' on your shuttle?

    1. Judith, I do know how to finger tat, but it is easier to just pinch thread in a Pop-A-Bobbin. I don't care for extender threads. I have tried them. If I had run out of thread, I would have just backed up a few elements and added new thread. Stubborn, I guess, as Diane says. And I am pretty good at estimating.
